策展人-陳正杰 / Curator - Cheng Chieh Chen


「THE COMEDIAN」指以喜劇或笑話,透過肢體或聲音表情帶給觀眾歡笑的演員。但本次展覽並不是希望逗笑觀者,而是希望透過「語境」去探討何謂「幽默」。

“ The Comedian” is performer who bring laughter through jokes or comedy with their action or voice. But making audience laugh is not the goal for this exhibition. We would like to explore humor through context of art.

 語境(context)作為一個語言學上的詞彙,馬淩諾斯基(B.Malinowski)在其《The Problem of Meaning in Primitive Languages》提到,分為情景語境和文化語境。前者指的是交際過程中要表達特定意義時,所依賴的語言的各種表現,如書面語的上下文,或口語的前言後語;後者指的是交流過程中要表達某種特定意義時,所依賴的各種非語言因素,包括時間、地點、場合、話題、交際者的身份、地位、心理背景、文化背景、交際目的、交際方式、交際內容所涉及的對象以及各種與話語結構同時出現的非語言符號等。而視覺藝術作為一種表達形式,即是一種符號系統,本就可以將之視為語言的一種。

“Context” is a linguistics term, according to B.Malinowski in “The Problem of Meaning in Primitive Languages”,  there are verbal context and social contexts. Verbal context refer to the linguistic expression that been use in text or speech. On the other hand, social context is the non- linguistic element that influence the information that been giving out, including time, space, location, topic, speaker and hearer identity, class, psychological and cultural background,etc. Visual art as a form of expression, has a system of symbol. Visual art is one kind of language.


幽默(Humor)一詞源於希臘語χυμός,從人體的體液,過渡到情緒,在演變成今日的有趣詼諧。中文幽默則是1924林語堂在《晨報》副刊中翻譯英文humour而來。佛洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)在《詼諧及其與潛意識的關係》(Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious)認為笑是一種釋放壓力的手段,婉轉地挑戰社會所定義的禁忌,藉此達到愉悅。佛洛伊德多半談論幽默是以笑話(Jokes)作為稱呼,認為笑與夢都是無意識或是低意識下形成,進而滿足自我要求。

Humor comes from ancient greek “χυμός”, meaning fluids of human body, evolve from emotion to modern meaning of amusement. In 1924, Lin Yutang first translate humor into chinese 幽默 in the Morning Post.  In Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious,  Sigmund Freud refer humor as a strategy to release stress to challenge social taboo in a  euphemistic way to please people. He usually refer humor with “jokes”, he thinks that the act of laugh and dream are happened unconsciously or lack of conscious, it brings fulfillness to oneself.


Combine those two, since lack of context, for the person who don’t feel amused, we say “ lack of sense of humor” or “you don’t get it” to them. Refers to the situation of people who don’t understand contemporary art, it also occurs from the difference of context and asymmetrical communication. Sometimes it makes the audience rejection to engage with the artwork, causing the approach to release stress turns out to be the source of stress. The goal for this exhibition is to talk about humor in different context in art, also as “Art meme”, hope everyone can relax and enjoy the exhibition.


複寫與轉譯 Re-Writing and Re-enactment


2個計畫-騆瑜個展 Two Projects-Jhouyu Solo Exhibition